do your part...

And vote for GREG!

My good friend wants to give the people of developing countries and third world nations a chance to have the luxuries of online services and utilities that most of us take for granted. (And if you're reading MY blog, first of all YOU ROCK!! and secondly, I know you have the means to sit on a computer and browse random and sometimes insignificant sites all day) x
So please, help me, help my friend to achieve this and vote for him!

Click here to VOTE:


a glass half full...

Half way through the year guys.. hope some of your dreams have come true, and if not, there is still half of 2011 to make them happen... x

Size does matter...

One of my favourite places in New Zealand is the Waipoua Forest on the North Island. Here you will find New Zealand's largest known living Kauri tree, Tāne Mahuta (Lord of the Forest). If you know about Kauris you will know that they are among the world's mightiest trees, growing to more than 50 metres tall, with trunk girths of up to 16 metres and living for more than 2000 years. The history behind Tāne Mahuta is incredible. Just the anticipation alone, whilst driving along State Highway 12 through the bushland is an experience in itself. The size of this tree will blow your mind. Whether you're standing in the picnic area, seeing the top of the tree standing staunch over the rest of the forest, or you're standing right next to it, feeling tiny and insignificant. Either way, this is definitely a size that has truley mattered for over 1400 years.